Privacy Statement for alumni

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This specific privacy statement applies to the processing of the personal data of alumni.

This specific privacy statement should be read in conjunction with Hanze's general privacy statement.

Former students of Hanze must be able to rely on their data being processed lawfully and adequately protected at Hanze. Hanze respects your privacy and ensures that your personal data are processed in accordance with the applicable legislation and regulations.

This privacy statement sets out how Hanze handles your personal data, for which purposes it processes them and on what basis, which personal data are processed, how long they are retained and which organisational and technical security measures are taken to secure personal data.

Hanze UAS enables every data subject to inspect and correct their data. Complaints are taken seriously and handled carefully. You will also find information about your rights as a data subject and who to contact if you have any questions or requests regarding your privacy in this statement.

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