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Enrolment is not renewed automatically. If you wish to remain in the same study programme for the next academic year, you must re-enrol before the first of September. If you fail to do so, you will be excluded from taking courses and you will not be eligible for student finance and student travel cards.

The re-enrolment period starts in June and runs to the 1st of September. The academic year runs from 1 September to 31 August of the following year. You may enrol in more than one degree programme simultaneously.

Re-enrolment in the same study programme

If you wish to remain enrolled in the same study programme, submit a re-enrolment application via Studielink. To do this, open your current enrolment and click on 'Re-enrol'. To speed up administrative processing, we urge you to renew your enrolment before the 1st of August.

Your re-enrolment must be completed before the 1st of September. If you have not met the re-enrolment requirements on the 1st of September, your account will be blocked and you are not allowed to login to the systems of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. Confused about how to proceed? Follow the step-by-step instructions below:

Step 1: Log in to Studielink.
Step 2: Under 'My To Do list', click on 'Re-enrol'. If no programme is listed, go to 'My study programmes'. Here, you will see details of the programme you are enrolled in, as registered with Student Administration. Click on the programme title and check that all the information is correct; then click on 'Re-enrol'.
Step 3: This will open up a window in which you can provide direct debit authorisation for your tuition fee payment. Enter the information requested and click on 'Confirm'.

Once you have fulfilled the payment requirement, your re-enrolment is definite.

Switch enrolment to another study programme at Hanze

If you are already enrolled at Hanze, but want to switch to a different study programme, you have to submit a new enrolment application via Studielink. You can monitor the status of this application in Studielink. To do this, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Log in to Studielink.
Step 2: Click on 'My study programmes'. Here, you will see details of the study programme you are enrolled in, as registered with Student Administration. Check that all the information is correct.
Step 3: Click on the study programme for which you wish to terminate enrolment.
Step 4: Click on 'Request for termination of enrolment'.
Step 5: Go to 'Home', click on 'Add new enrolment' and follow the instructions to submit a new enrolment application for the study programme you have chosen. Student Administration will send you a confirmation of receipt and process your application for admission to the other degree programme.
Step 6: Pay the tuition fee before the 1st of September of the academic year concerned.

Remember that you have to fulfil the enrolment and admission requirements for the new study programme as outlined in the enrolment requirements checklist. You can check the status of your enrolment application on your personal page in Studielink.

Re-enrolling with graduation in July, August or September

  • If you expect to graduate before 1 September of the upcoming academic year, first re-enrol in Studielink by clicking on 'Re-enrol' and then click on 'I do not wish to re-enrol'. 
  • If you plan to graduate in September, you have to click on 'Re-enrol' and first arrange your tuition fee payment. As soon as you graduate, you will be eligible for a reimbursement of a portion of the tuition fee.

How to cancel your (re)enrolment
