Valeria Petrova, Creative Media & Game Technologies student from Bulgaria

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'When I came to study Creative Media and Game Technologies (CMGT) at Hanze, I was not fully sure which learning path I wanted to take. So, in the very beginning of my studies, I needed some time to get used to the programme. But my teachers and classmates have been a great help: they were there for me, supporting me during classes, and very soon I was able to open up and find my place in the programme!

The moment I fully felt that I was meant to be here, at CMGT, was in the 3rd block of year 1. We had to make a redesign of a mobile application. And I absolutely love designing, so I gave 100% of myself to this project, and it was a rewarding experience: I not only enjoyed the process, but got a very good grade! 

Talking about my teachers and classmates, many of them are internationals, coming from all over the world: for example, from Ukraine, Hungary, Ireland, Bulgaria, Romania and the Netherlands, of course. In project groups, you get to work with at least 3 students from different nationalities. And I really enjoy this diversity in the programme – it is amazing to meet people from different backgrounds, to get to know their cultures and to learn from them. 

Another perk of studying at Hanzeis that I get to live in a city like Groningen. Upon arrival, I immediately thought the city was very beautiful, and with time I only started appreciating it more. I like Groningen because of its people, its diversity, the opportunities it offers. Living in Groningen, I discovered countless places for all kinds of activities I enjoy. I go to the gym and play basketball with my friends, I study in the Forum with an amazing view of the city, I go out and relax. And I love going to the parks, especially in sunny weather, and taking my sketchbook with me. I love drawing, so there is nothing better than doing it in the nature. 

So, overall, being a student at Hanze and living in Groningen has been a great experience so far! I am looking forward to new exciting projects and meeting new nice people!'